
REBEL Sports Community Givebacks


Rebel Community Givebacks Promotion


REBEL Sports Store continues to offer community kickbacks. This is how you can help. Next time you shop at REBEL, please tell them that you would like to link Dundula SS to your name for the community kickback program. Each time you shop at REBEL, a percentage of your purchase will be allotted to Dundula school as part of the community kickback program. The community kickback program provides funds to the school to purchase sporting equipment for the kids.

If you are a community member who doesn't have kids / grandkids going to our school, you can still link your purchases to Dundula SS as part of this program.

We are only a small school. Every little bit of support helps. Larger schools are getting huge amounts of funding through this program to purchase sporting goods for their schools. Being a small school, we are relying on our broader community to help us out. Hoping you will be able to link your purchases to Dundula SS, the best little country school in town, when next you are shopping at REBEL. 

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Last reviewed 30 July 2021
Last updated 30 July 2021