
It’s a Variety Bash. Let’s all get our party on!


Variety Bash 2021


It's now officially out there. The 36th anniversary Variety Bash is travelling from Bungarribee to Bakers Creek! Their last port of call is at Dundula SS (Bakers Creek). Dundula SS is going to be hosting breakfast for approximately 300 people in the school grounds. The variety cars will be parked on our oval and the drivers and passengers will be having breakfast with us - the Dundula staff and families along with our local community members. What a great thing to happen for us! The big event is yet to receive an exact date but what we do know is that it will happen in August during 2021.  Make sure you keep your calendars open; it is sure to be a fun time. The morning will be filled with much excitement and activities for the children. Television and media crews will be there to share in our excitement of being chosen to host the last breakfast on the Bungarribee to Bakers Creek 2021 run.

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Last reviewed 04 February 2021
Last updated 04 February 2021